Wicker Furniture Direct Profile

  • Catch member since November 2018
  • Seller rating
    Seller Score
  • Approved online Catch seller since November 2018

We're one of Australia’s leading online furniture stores.

We believe we have the best quality furniture at the lowest prices on the market. That is why we offer our customers no fuss money back guarantee on all purchases.

We are proud to have a diverse range of returning customers, many including display homes, hotels, interior designers and companies.

We pride ourselves on superlative customer service and outstanding value for money quality furniture. Having already served over a thousand of happy customers, we will make sure that we continue to offer you the best buying experiences from us.

We understand that our customers love a great deal without compromising on quality. That is why we work with only the best manufacturers to bring you their products by the container full straight into our warehouse, so you don’t pay any middleman. That’s right, all savings are passed onto you!

We are so confident with our quality so much so we're offering 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our products.

If you're not happy - we're not happy!

  • 14 Days Money BackGuarantee

  • No hidden costs (no re-stocking or admin charges)

  • Free Return - No cost to you (we will supply you with a return shipping label)

  • Change your mind? Returns are gladly accepted within 14 days of purchase - No Fuss!

Free Returns - We offer unconditional 100% money back guarantee on all purchases within 14 days. You will receive the full refund of your item excluding your delivery cost back to you. We will pay for the return freight, so it is risk free when shopping with us.

The return product must be in the same condition and packaging as when they were shipped.

How to return your item:

  1. Contact us

  2. The customer service representative will arrange a return label and pick up time with you

  3. As soon as the return has been received, a refund will be issued.