The Wellfulness Project

Ali Roff Farrar
The Wellfulness Project
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The Wellfulness Project
ISBN: 9781783253210
Publication Date: 10 March 2020

A guide to using mindfulness as the basis for lasting transformation.

Mindfulness isn't just meditation - it can be used everywhere and at any time. When we begin to apply mindfulness to our lifestyle as a whole, we begin to build a more conscious relationship with the things we eat, the spaces we spend time in, the way we move our bodies and the stories we tell ourselves.

The concept of 'Wellfulness' means using mindfulness for greater wellness in body and mind. Through the practice of conscious acceptance and conscious change; being mindful is at the core of wellness, be it within food, movement, values, rituals, habits, mindset, our inhabited spaces or our relationships.

The Wellfulness Project is a manual for mindful living, combining personal experience, mindfulness theory and ritual tools to create a practical guide to achieving a more harmonious relationship with our wellness and wellbeing.

About the Author

Ali Roff is Editor-at-Large and a columnist at Psychologies magazine, where she has interviewed world-renowned spiritual gurus, psychologists, doctors, and wise women and men including Deepak Chopra and Gabrielle Bernstein. She is passionate about combining western sciences of psychology, neuroscience and coaching with the Eastern philosophies of meditation, mindfulness and yoga, to cultivate true wellness of body and mind. In addition to the BSc hons degree she holds in Psychology, Ali is a qualified '200hr Yoga Alliance Certified' teacher and will shortly qualify as a Mindfulness teacher and expert.