The Circle of Fire : Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Circle of Fire : Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness
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The Circle of Fire : Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness
ISBN: 9781878424648
Publication Date: 1 August 2013

In The Circle of Fire, bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz, inspires us to enter into a new and loving relationship with ourselves, with our fellow humans, and with all of creation. Through a selection of beautiful essays, prayers, and guided meditations, Ruiz prepares our minds for a new way of seeing life, and opens our hearts to find our way back to our birthright: heaven on earth. The result is a life lived in joy, harmony, and contentment.

About the Author

"Don Miguel Ruiz is the bestselling author of The Four Agreements" (a "New York Times" bestseller for over seven years), The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, and The Fifth Agreement (with his son, don Jose Ruiz). His books have sold over eight million copies in the United States, and have been translated into dozens of languages worldwide. For more than two decades, Ruiz has worked to impart the wisdom of the ancient Toltec to a small group of students and apprentices, guiding them toward their personal freedom. Today, he continues to combine his unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern-day awareness through lectures, workshops, and journeys to sacred sites around the world.