Talking With Psychopaths and Savages : Beyond Evil

Christopher Berry-Dee
Talking With Psychopaths and Savages : Beyond Evil
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Talking With Psychopaths and Savages : Beyond Evil
ISBN: 9781789461152
Publication Date: 5 September 2019

Bestselling author Christopher Berry-Dee is back with a companion volume that delves even deeper into the savage world of psychopaths and their hideous crimes.

Sunday Times-bestselling author Christopher Berry-Dee is back with a companion volume that delves even deeper into the savage world of psychopaths and their hideous crimes. This time, however, he combines sections on killers whom he has known, interviewed or corresponded with, with studies of psychopathic serial killers from the past, including Peter Kürten, the 'Düsseldorf Monster', John Christie, responsible for the killings at 10 Rillington Place; and Neville Heath, a ladykiller in every sense of the word.

The result is a chilling narrative that sets the forensic examination of killers and their crimes within the context of murder in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an examination of the evil mind set against the insoluble problem of identifying psychopaths w ho kill.

This is not a book for the squeamish, but it is undeniably fascinating in its portrayal of just what one human being will do to others - while all too often moving among us unnoticed and unhindered. If their crimes seem as incomprehensible as they are horrific, it is undeniably true that the world's most savage killers may be much closer than we think...

About the Author

A noted writer and criminologist, Christopher Berry-Dee's recent books include Talking With Psychopaths and Savages, the UK's bestselling true crime title of 2017, and Talking With Female Serial Killers. He is the UK's No. 1 true crime author.