Soumak Navy Jute Rug

Simply Wholesale
Soumak Navy Jute Rug
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SOUMAK rugs are heavy weight, durable pieces suitable for any environment. Thick, woven jute feels comfortable underfoot and enriches your interiors with distinctive, natural texture and warmth. ARTISANS from India weave these jute floor pieces using centuries-old techniques for exceptional, one-of-a-kind quality and attention to detail.


No child labour certified - produced to the highest ethical standards and without the use of child labour for your complete peace of mind

Made of jute, an easily renewed and biodegradable plant fibre, for organic beauty and eco-friendly benefits

Natural, chemical-free latex rubber backing strengthens the mat, prolonging its life and giving it added durability to withstand day-to-day foot traffic

Classic durable pattern creates visual effect to stylize your area

Mid-weight, functional, every-day rugs perfect for any home setting

Available Sizes: 80 x 300 cm, 160 x 230 cm, 200 x 290 cm, 240 x 330 cm


1 x Soumak Navy Jute Rug


The rug images are taken in a studio environment, please allow for colour variations depending on your monitor settings and the lighting environment in your home.

New rugs, particularly those that include wool fibres, are susceptible to shedding. With care and treatment, most rugs should stop shedding within 2-3 months.

Sizing is approximate, rug size may vary up to 5%.

We recommend the use of a rug pad to prevent slipping and tripping, as well as to extend the life of your rug.