Silicea Body Essential Silicea Ultra (1 A Day) 30c

Silicea Body Essential Silicea Ultra (1 A Day) 30c
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<br>Silicea ULTRA One a Day soft capsules is our premium vitamin and mineral formula with ingredients specifically selected for supple skin, healthy hair, strong nails, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joint cartilage, now in an easy to swallow soft capsule! <BR><br>*Sustainable product packaging <br> <br><ul><li><b>Silica</b> &dash; may help to provide strength and support to skin, hair &amp; nails. Colloidal silica may help promote the strength, integrity, elasticity, firmness, and health of connective tissue throughout the body. It's Natures Building Block.</li><li><b>Biotin</b> &dash; (Vitamin H) &dash; important for hair and nail formation as well as strength. It may assist to reduce nails breaking and splitting.</li><li><b>Manganese</b> &dash; may be beneficial to healthy bone structure, bone metabolism and helping to create essential enzymes for building bones. It is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out the free radicals in the human body.</li><li><b>Zinc</b> &dash; may help maintain your skins structural integrity and assist in the management of acne. Adequate levels may help to support healthy skin and minor wound healing.</li><li><b>Selenium</b> &dash; an antioxidant which may help to slow the signs of ageing by helping to protect cells from free radical damage.</li></ul>