Sanford Grey Rug

Saray Rugs
Sanford Grey Rug
Shop all Modern Rugs


This ultra-modern collection consists of highly popular designs and colours, sculpted on a textured pile and made from heat-set polyester and polypropylene. The pastel tones and indistinct patterns used in these rugs make them suitable for any decor.

These rugs are both durable and easy to maintain with their non-shedding pile and anti-static properties. They are power-loomed to standards and have quality finishes.


Available Sizes:

120 x 180 cm
160 x 230 cm
200 x 290 cm
240 x 340 cm
300 x 400 cm
80 x 150 cm
80 x 300 cm

Material: 50% Polyester, 50% Polypropylene

Made in Turkey


1 x Sanford Grey Rug