Norse Revival: Transformations Of Germanic Neopaganism - Paperback

Haymarket Books
Norse Revival: Transformations Of Germanic Neopaganism - Paperback
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Product detail - Author: Stefanie von Schnurbein | ISBN-13: 9781608467372 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Haymarket Books | Publication Date: 2017-04-06 | Pages: 418 | Product Dimensions: 146.05 x 229 x 25.4mm | Weight: 589.670081g |

Norse Revival offers a thorough investigation of Germanic Neopaganism (Asatru) through an international and comprehensive historical perspective. It traces Germanic Neopaganism's genesis in German ultra-nationalist and occultist movements around 1900. It demonstrates how ambiguous ideas about Nordic myth permeate general discourses on race, religion, gender, sexuality, and aesthetics. Ultimately, Norse Revival raises the question whether Norse mythology can be freed from its reactionary ideological baggage.