New English Targeted Practice Book: Phonics - Reception Book 3 - Paperback

Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
New English Targeted Practice Book: Phonics - Reception Book 3 - Paperback
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Product detail - Author: CGP Books | ISBN-13: 9781789080131 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) | Publication Date: 2018-05-24 | Pages: 48 | Product Dimensions: 207 x 297 x 7mm | Weight: 154g |

CGP's Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 3) is spot-on for practice in Reception. We've packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It's perfectly matched to the `Letters and Sounds' programme and covers the first half of Phase 3, including j, v, w, x, y, z, qu, ch, sh, th and ng - and getting pupils writing in full sentences. This Targeted Practice Book is also available in a five-book CGP Phonics bundle that covers the whole Reception year (ISBN 9781789080223) or as part of an eight-book bundle that covers Reception and Year 1 Phonics (ISBN 9781789080407)