Napoleon Perdis The One Concealer

Napoleon Perdis
Napoleon Perdis The One Concealer
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Napoleon says: "have you found the one?"

Napoleon has - and he's sharing the love. Meet the one concealer. In its little airtight pot, the one concealer resembles a regular cream concealer. Yes, it hides dark circles and excess (eye) baggage. Yes, it evens out redness, blemishes, and pigmentation patches. But the one does more than that: it syncs in with (almost) every skin tone which is why it comes in just one skin-flattering peach/nude shade.

Pro tips:

  • Warm the one in your fingers or on the back of your hand before application.
  • The one can be applied both under and over foundation. Depending on your skin tone you may need to use the one first and then cover with foundation for the most flattering result.
  • Mix the one with auto-pilot pre-foundation skin primer to create a beautiful, sheer wash of color.