Moodscapes Paperback

Moodscapes Paperback
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176 pages | A new take on landscape photography

Landscape photography is one of the arts most accessible areas, whether you're just starting out or refining your vision. This book reveals the palette of techniques that will make your photography stand out from the crowd and win a place on a gallery wall. While other writers and bloggers concentrate on the technical aspects of landscape, this book will help you put those practical skills which are all in these pages too into use in a wider variety of ways, including styles popular with contemporary art customers. Readers will also gain an insight into how the Icelandic author was able to break out onto the global stage using online communities; invaluable advice for photographers at any stage in their career, but especially those at the start of it.


  • Title: Moodscapes
  • No. of pages: 176
  • Paperback