Meet the Artist Pablo Picasso - Hardback

Princeton Architectural Press
Meet the Artist Pablo Picasso - Hardback
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Product detail - Author: Patricia Geis | ISBN-13: 9781616892517 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press | Publication Date: 2003-01-01 | Pages: 18 | Product Dimensions: 222.25 x 304.8 x 25.4mm | Weight: 612.3496995g |

Pablo Picasso: Meet the Artist! takes young readers on an interactive journey through the remarkable life of the legendary Spanish painter. This engaging book uses a multitude of lift-the-flaps, cut-outs and pull tabs to explain how his art evolved over his lifetime-from his earliest painting at age seven to the great masterworks of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and Guernica. Readers are encouraged to make their own cubist collage using an enclosed sheet containing an eclectic collection of images.