Manhood in the Making - Paperback

Yale University Press
Manhood in the Making - Paperback
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Product detail - Author: David D. Gilmore | ISBN-13: 9780300050769 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Yale University Press | Publication Date: 1991-07-29 | Pages: 272 | Product Dimensions: 151 x 202 x 14.58mm | Weight: 340.1942775g |

What does it mean to "be a man" in different cultures around the world? In the first cross-cultural study of manhood as an achieved status, anthropologist David D. Gilmore finds that a culturally sanctioned stress on manliness-on toughness and aggressiveness, stoicism and sexuality-is almost universal, deeply ingrained in the consciousness of hunters and fishermen, workers and warriors, poets and peasants who have little else in common.