Grey Wolves : Henderson's Boys : Book 4

Robert Muchamore
Grey Wolves : Henderson's Boys : Book 4
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Grey Wolves : Henderson's Boys : Book 4
ISBN: 9780340999165
Publication Date: 3 February 2011

The fourth adventure in the Henderson's Boys series: find out how CHERUB began!

Spring, 1941.German submarines are prowling the North Atlantic, sinking ships filled with the food, fuel and weapons that Britain needs to survive. With the Royal Navy losing the war at sea, six young agents must sneak into Nazi-occupied Europe and sabotage a submarine base on France's western coast. If the submarines aren't stopped, the British people will starve.

About The Author

Robert Muchamore was born in Islington in 1972 and spent thirteen years working as a private investigator. He was inspired to create the CHERUB series by his nephew's complaints about the lack of anything for him to read!