Cookery for Seamen - Hardback

National Maritime Museum
Cookery for Seamen - Hardback
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Product detail - Author: Alexander Quinlan | ISBN-13: 9781906367626 | Format: Hardback Publisher: National Maritime Museum | Publication Date: 2019-09-26 | Pages: 88 | Product Dimensions: 106 x 154 x 13mm | Weight: 150g |

Originally published in 1894, this facsimile is an illuminating introduction to the difficulties faced by cooks at sea who had restricted equipment and limited or rationed ingredients. Alexander Quinlan and N. E. Mann were at the forefront of cookery training for seamen, which issued three types of certificates, depending on the size of vessel (sculling vessels, cargo steamers, or passenger steamers) and used six chief methods of cookery were used (roasting, baking, boiling, stewing, frying, and broiling). With 170 recipes--including gruel, beef tea, devilled bones, fruit jelly, pigeon pie, hodge podge, sheep's head broth, satisfaction pudding, bubble and squeak, and more--Cookery for Seamen is delightful nostalgia that highlights the challenges of life for the sea-going cook.