Career Leap : How to Reinvent and Liberate Your Career

Michelle Gibbings
Career Leap : How to Reinvent and Liberate Your Career
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Career Leap : How to Reinvent and Liberate Your Career
ISBN: 9780730352198
Publication Date: 26 January 2018

The world is changing. How we work is changing. Now more than ever people need to be comfortable designing and orchestrating their own career path. The days of a traditional, linear career are long gone. We are approaching a crunch point as the pace of change outstrips the development of new roles. In the next twenty years, estimates are that 40% of roles that currently exist will be automated or done by robots. No role, profession, industry or geography is inoculated from this impact. People entering the workforce now, are likely to have at least 17 different employers, and five different careers during their lifetime. This is only going to increase. What is also different is that employees will need to adapt to a paradigm shift in terms of what it means to be employed. As the level of freelancing increases they may work for multiple employers at the same time, or more frequently move from job to job and in to different roles. The ‘gig economy’ is well underway, and yet workers are unprepared. ;Why? Because they are stuck in the past; holding on to an outdated view of what a career path looks like, or a limited view of what having a successful career entails. They are stuck on the idea of a typical career path encompassing the following phases: entry, exploration, establishment, maintenance and retirement. In practice this meant that people moved, for example, from entry level roles through to middle management and then ultimately retirement. Careers don’t work like that anymore. They are far more fluid, flexible and adaptive.

Essentially they aren’t aware they need to find the right balance between whether they focus their time on their present job or their future, and whether they focus on their career passively or actively. By failing to find those balances they...