Before You Judge Me, Being David

David Oldfield
Before You Judge Me, Being David
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Before You Judge Me, Being David
ISBN: 9781921024818
Publication Date: 1 April 2019

'Being David' is less traditional biography more 'conversations with' or 'lessons I've learnt' in style of book. It is basically David's views on the world we're living in - what's right with it; what's wrong with it. We learn what makes David tick; why he thinks the way he thinks what exactly he is thinking. We learn how the David of today evolved.

The book is an insight into David's views thoughts on Australia; where we're heading; where we've been how we can better our lives the lives of others. We learn the lessons life has taught him - many of which, may surprise.

About the Author

David Ernest Oldfield is a former Australian politician who co-founded and was deputy leader of the Pauline Hanson's One Nation party.