Baccarat Barista Brillante Coffee Knock Box Size 12.0X11.5CM

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Baccarat Barista Brillante Coffee Knock Box Size 12.0X11.5CM
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The Baccarat® Barista Brillante Coffee Knock Box is a container and tub that has been specifically designed to ‘knock’ the puck or coffee grounds from the portafilter or group head of your coffee machine after making your coffee. Using a coffee knock box is simple, after making a coffee in your machine, remove the portafilter or group head from the machine and give it a tap or knock against the edge of the knock box. The Baccarat® Barista Brillante Coffee Knock Box is ideal when making coffee for yourself, a crowd and even for collecting the grounds for composting.

• Perfect for benchtop use
• Tap or knock your coffee grounds out of your portafilter or group head with ease
• Removable knock pad for your convenience
• Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning
• Ideal when making coffee for yourself, a crowd and even for collecting the grounds for composting
12.0 X 11.5CM