Porno or Pacino Guessing Game Cards

Gift Republic
4 Star Rating
(8 Reviews)
Porno or Pacino Guessing Game Cards


Do you think you could tell the difference between a line from a porno and a line from a Pacino film? When Pacino said "Say hello to my little friend" he WAs talking about the gun. Right?!

Being a Pacino fan might give you an edge with this game, but everyone will have an absolute rip roaring good time. Take it in turns reading out a quote and guessing what kind of film it came from.

It's a hilarious game perfect to play at a party for some laughs. We just wouldn't recommend playing near the kids...


  • Are these quotes from Al Pacino or a porno?
  • Hilarious guessing game for movie buffs
  • Can you tell the silver screen from the sex scene?


  • Ages: 18 and older
  • Measurements (card): 10 x 6.3 cms
  • Measurements (box): 15.5 x 9.5 x 3.5 cms